What are those foam roller things, and what on earth do I do with them?
Foam Rollers are basically a cylinder of foam that we use to relax tense muscles in the gym, without needing to go get a massage all the time. Technically, the term used is Self Myofascial Release (SMR), but that seems to be a misnomer, at least according to some researchers. There is widespread disagreement on fascia, which is basically tough connective tissue that protects and sheaths the inside of the body. It's true function is two-fold--it provides a protective layer over the muscles, nerves (basically every structure in the body is covered by this tough web), and it protects against infections, much like the skin. It's most critical job is as an infection barrier--layers of fascia limit the spread of infections. (Ingraham, 2013)
The main disagreement in all of the research is whether foam rolling is efficacious, and what it actually does to fascia, if anything. For our purposes, it doesn't really matter that much. It highly depends on what effect we are seeking. Because this is a new field of research, there is bound to be disagreement, and even conflicting studies. Schleip, 2003, found that in neurophysiological models, which are now becoming more widely accepted than the older, mechanical models, myofascial release is thought to stimulate intra-fascial mechanoreceptors, which cause alterations in the afferent input to the central nervous system, leading to a reduction in the activation of specific groups of motor units. This basically means that rather than affecting the physical muscle or fascia, rather it sends signals to the brain through afferent nerves, which then signals the brain to relax the tissues' excessively tightened state.
All research aside for a moment, does a massage feel good to you? Does is seem to loosen and relieve sore muscles? A foam roller will give you the same effect, but you do it yourself. So the next time you are in the gym, pick one up and give it a try. Below is a headache remedy utilizing a foam roller. Give it a shot!
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