Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Melissa's tip of the Week
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The Secret:

Haven't you always wanted to know the secret to successfully losing weight?

Well, I've figured it out.  Again.  In order to lose weight, you have to have ALL of your ducks in a row.  All of them.  So, if you exercise, but eat whatever you want...forget it.  If you watch your food, but let your muscle waste with no exercise...again, no go.  If you exercise, but don't put your all into it- a lazy effort, let's say-  You get lazy, sluggish results.

Trimming down always reemphasizes just what effort is necessary, but it CAN be done.  Diligence, people, diligence!  Stick with the program.  Don't eat garbage, and you know what I mean!  Write down your food, get yourself to the gym, be accountable, make the all out effort.  "Excuses are the nails that build houses of failure", so make your house strong, healthy, and successful.

Our Performance Training Center will be one great opportunity (among many) that will help you to reach your goals.  TRX, Kettlebells, Bands, Bosus, and many other great tools will be within our reach to help you achieve them.  The Team Weight Loss Challenge is another great way to get motivated, and get fit.  Small group training is an ongoing team effort, which helps my members get fit and stay fit with help not only from me, but also from each other.  But you need to do your part, as well.  Show up, do the work, don’t stop, and don’t give up!

We are all a work in progress, and we can all make improvements.  Whatever you are trying to accomplish with your fitness, know that I am on your side.

Roasted mixed Vegetables--Yum!

Super easy to make, very yummy to eat!  Start with 3 or 4 of your favorite vegetables.  I like red and yellow pepper, broccoli, and zucchini, but you could do other veggies, as well.  Rough cut them (medium sized pieces, don't get too fancy).  Toss in a tablespoon of olive oil, place in a roasting pan, and sprinkle with sea salt and pepper.  Roast at 375 degrees, for 20-30 minutes, then eat!
I know this exercise isn't for everyone, but it is a really good exercise.    The Plank Row is performed by holding the plank position, then bringing your arm up next to your side.  Keep the arm in tight, give it a good squeeze at the top, and then lower the weight.  Alternated sides, performing 6 on each side, for a total of 12.  Repeat this set 2 times more for best results.
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