Monday, March 16, 2015

After workout snacks?

Melissa's Tip of the Week is designed to help you and your family live happier, healthier lives through healthy choices.
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 Think you are doing yourself a favor by eschewing that after workout snack?  Think again...
  1. After workout snacks can help your body use food as fuel.  Eating before the workout glow dissipates can help your body replace muscle glycogen lost during your workout.
  2. Have some complex carbs and a little protein.  Your body wants fresh fruits and vegetables as an efficient source of fuel.  But it also needs a little protein to help rebuild those tissues and create new muscle,  so focus on getting 1 to 1.5 grams of carbs per kilogram of body weight; a 130-pound woman, for example, should aim for about 59 to 87 grams of carbs after a workout. Add 10 to 20 grams of lean protein in order to help muscles repair and recover (bonus: eating protein helps you feel less sore after a workout as well).  Don't forget that each gram of carbohydrate and protein is four calories, so if you're trying to refuel and lose weight, eat half the amount of carbs within 30 minutes of your workout, and then make up the rest when you eat your next meal. 
  3. Don't overdo it: If you're working out to lose or maintain weight, don't use your workout as an excuse to indulge in a post-workout feast. The American Council on Exercise recommends assessing your workout to see if it warrants the calories you want to consume. If you didn't break a sweat or experience labored breathing and an elevated heart rate during your workout, you probably don't need a snack to recover.
  4. What should you eat?  Examples might include an apple cut up with peanut butter, a handful of almonds and a piece of fruit, or a small salad with some seeds sprinkled in for the protein (think sunflower, pumpkin).
Clean it up!  Eating more fresh food is great for your body, and you know it!  Now get started!  But before you do, here's an updated list of the fruits with the lowest amount of pesticides.  Call it the "clean 15"...
Sweet Peas (frozen)
Sweet Potatoes
Small Group Training sign up is out!  FITT For Life group training workouts are being offered twice a week, on Wednesdays at 9:00 am, and again on Saturdays at 11:30 am!  Sign up for one or both in the fitness center.  Only $99 for a 6 week session!  I offer ongoing measurement follow up, and groups will be getting new workouts to follow during the week as homework, as well.  Get in on the FUN!
Melissa, 414-630-1448 C

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